What’s your favorite worship song?
Some of the most amazing moments of my life are when kids come up to me and say, “Mr. Jeff, I felt God tonight when we were singing.”
This is what I long for, what I pray will happen within them: That they will truly find that holy, intimate place with their Father, and that they will desire more and more of Him!
I remember the first time in my life I “felt God” when I was singing a song. It was Keith Green’s song “How I Love You.” It’s so simple, yet so profound. Based on John 14:6, it has always been one of my favorite worship songs to sing. Keith was killed in a plane crash just a few years into his ministry, so it has been an honor — as well as a mission— for me to enable kids today to be blessed and encouraged by the anointing of the music the Lord poured into him.
In the comments section, Please share with me the worship song that currently connects you to the Father and why. You just may get a personal shout out and “dedication” at my next show!