Check these VBS photos…
These photos were taken in Greenwood, MS by my friend Shelby Ussery during my week of VBS there. It was an absolutely incredible week! The kids there are amazing and we had a BLAST!!
As I have mentioned in some earlier posts, North Greenwood Baptist is the church I grew up in and I’ve been leading the VBS music there for 14 years. It’s always great to go back and see how the kids who have graduated out of VBS come back as teenagers to help lead!
My heart is overjoyed to see the older generations teaching the younger generations about Jesus.
Hey, if you were in Greenwood for VBS, I’d love to hear from you! Maybe you have a cool story about something the Lord did in your life or someone else’s. If so, you can share your comments at the bottom if this page.
I leave Sunday morning to begin my summer with Centri-Kid camp. Hope to see you at one of them!