Jeff Slaughter


Check these VBS photos…

These photos were taken in Greenwood, MS by my friend Shelby Ussery during my week of VBS there. It was an absolutely incredible week! The kids there are amazing and we had a BLAST!!

As I have mentioned in some earlier posts, North Greenwood Baptist is the church I grew up in and I’ve been leading the VBS music there for 14 years. It’s always great to go back and see how the kids who have graduated out of VBS come back as teenagers to help lead!

My heart is overjoyed to see the older generations teaching the younger generations about Jesus.

Hey, if you were in Greenwood for VBS, I’d love to hear from you! Maybe you have a cool story about something the Lord did in your life or someone else’s. If so, you can share your comments at the bottom if this page.

I leave Sunday morning to begin my summer with Centri-Kid camp. Hope to see you at one of them!

  • Elizabeth Barth

    I get chills every time I see what you’re doing for the Lord! Bringing the masses of kids to Him every year is a priceless blessing! You are definitely using your gifts for what they were intended! You are storing up your treasures in heaven. Great job and keep up the good work!


  • Rj

    Dying to know who did the rapping in the big apple songs!

  • Heidi DeGuire

    Hello Mr. Jeff Slaughter,

    My family & friends have really enjoyed God working through you and SBC churches. Thanks for coming to Milton, FL more than once soon!!! This year, between now and the last time that you came: God has really worked with me, my husband/my family and loads of people. They live here, but also in many states in USA and in many other countries!!! God is so cool! They were praying and asking for God to please let me live in early September. A head problem showed up while I was sleeping. I was taken to two hospitals before I was worked on. But I am so glad that Jesus is very close any time but especially during a head problem. Thank you for following Jesus in your work. It is awesome!

    Living for Jesus and because of Him!!!
    Heidi DeGuire
    1 Corinthians 16:14

  • Lorrie Ellis


    I was so disappointed to have missed you at Ridgecrest this year. I fell Nov. 30 (at church) and broke my ankle. Walking at Ridgecrest on crutches just wasn’t something I felt up to. We did send a group from our church (Story Creek Baptist in Ferrum, VA), as we do every year and I was sad to learn that you were stepping down from the VBS music. I’m sure God has bigger and better plans for you.

    Take care and may He bless you in all that you do!
